Gentle Reader,
Our Star Achievers Team just finished a remarkable little book, I Am Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams, I am, I am, I am, by Thomas Pauley and his daughter, Penelope Pauley. The simple but powerful message is that riches comes to the person who is very precise and clear about what she wants and writes it down, 1, 2, 3 and so on. For home business owners and network market entrepreneurs, this is standard operating procedure.
So, you ask, what is different about this? How will this book make a difference in my networking marketing business?
Say it's a new car you are visualizing and you've got the leather interior, the make, the model, the color, all the details. The final numbers in the attributes about each thing one wants reads like this:
20. Only those who are for my highest and best good may ride in my car.
21. My new car is seeking me as I am seeking it, and the Law of Attraction brings us together with love and understanding.
22. I have the correct car for me.
These final statements lift the goal to a new height. You, the MLM champion, are not in charge.
The second aspect of asking is that you put aside your list and forget about it. No obsessing over the outcome. This concept is one I have practiced. Mentally put your list under the clothes neatly stacked in the underwear drawer and forget about. Remember, the thing you are after is seeking you. For obsessing, enthusiastic network marketers, this is a real challenge.
It is the 3rd axiom the Pauley's write about that is the game changer for me. Whatever comes your way, give back 10%. It is all from God. Tithe the gift, the earnings, back to God. This is not your charity giving. This is gratitude giving to something or someone that has brought spiritual meaning to you.
Here's my story. I finished the book on the day my large IRS tax rebate came in the mail. In my budget, I already had this money spent on several of my big dreams. The check was exactly 10% larger than I expected. See what a network marketing business can do? I sat right down and thought about several organizations that give me great satisfaction and whose work in the world I appreciate because of how it has personally affected me. I went on line and gave away that 10%, unsolicited, a pure gift.
The next day I went hiking with my friends and upon returning from our 6 hours in the mountains, found my wallet, its contents spilled in the gravel, waiting for me in the parking spot. I thought it was in my purse in the trunk of my car. NOTHING WAS MISSING! Credit cards, a large amount of cash lay there all day, untouched. I am rich beyond my wildest dreams! I sang God's praises with such gratitude. Tomorrow my Shaklee bonus check will land in my bank account. This is the monthly fruit of a home based business. Of course I have that money all spent already. Tomorrow before taking any of it to pay bills, I will give away 10%. I can't imagine what God has in store for me.
Just so you know, I am a rational skeptic, an analyzer on all the scales of personality traits, a thinker who judges. Letting these strong tendencies recede to the background and allow my believe, my faith to take care of my future is a leap of faith. It is this faith that the Pauley's book is all about. Enjoy your home based network marketing business and become rich beyond your wildest dreams.
I commend it to you.
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