Saturday, August 27, 2011

Confusing news about FDA and restrictions on supplements

Dear Reader,

Being a person who is constantly learning about nutrition, supplements and working toward improving your health, you may have been alarmed by some recent reports that the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) is cracking down on what constitutes a dietary ingredient.  Some people are getting their nickers in a twist over government interference in our precious right to buy and take whatever supplements we want.

I was very pleased when my colleague Bob Ferguson took the trouble to contact Shaklee's legal council, Marjorie Fine, for clarification.  Here's what he and she have to say:

As is most often the case, the sky-is-falling emails we all get don't tell the whole story, or get facts confused. Here's an explanation of what is happening at the FDA from Marjorie Fine, and under what condition she will ask us in the field to contact our representatives. When we have done that in the past in a coordinated way, it has been highly effective. Sure glad we have someone of Marjorie's stature representing us and other responsible companies.

Best wishes,


Hi Bob - What FDA published in July was not the Codex Alimentarius, as this article states, but, rather, a draft guidance respecting New Dietary Ingredients.  FDA was required to publish this guidance pursuant to the FDA Modernization Act.  A guidance document does not have the force of law and can be challenged only if enforced. 
The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 distinguished between grandfathered dietary ingredients (ie, those on the market prior to October 15, 1994) and new dietary ingredients ("NDI").  The law required that prior to marketing a NDI a company must submit a notification to FDA along with proof of safety.  There has long been confusion as to just which dietary ingredients are grandfathered and which are new as well as to what evidence is required to be submitted to FDA.  That's why Congress required FDA to publish a guidance explaining these issues.
The draft guidance defines NDI much too broadly and also goes beyond the bounds of reason in the safety documentation required.  I am working on comments with our trade association.  We hope to influence FDA to write a more reasonable final guidance document.  If we are unable to obtain that, I will ask the field for help with our Congressional representatives, but it is too early to go to them now.
I hope this helps.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Marjorie
Marjorie L. Fine
Executive Vice President & General Counsel
Shaklee Corporation
4747 Willow Road
Pleasanton, CA  94588
T  925-924-2586
F  925-924-2155

Thanks for reading,  In good health,

4455 51st Ave,. SW
Seattle, WA 98116
206 933 1889

Friday, July 29, 2011

Alkaline and Acid food chart

Dear Reader,
Many of us need to change our diet so that we have a more acid stomach and alkaline digestive track.  This is confusing.  If the stomach is not acidic enough to break down the food so that it is reduced to a nice soup that will gently open the door to the digestive track, the food putrifies and explodes into the upper intestine, causing discomfort, gas and indigestion.  Start your day with a warm glass of filtered water with half a lemon squeezed into it.  Then to get our system more alkaline, which results in a more efficient, less gassy flow of food through the digestive track, we need to eat more alkaline foods.  Here is an excellent chart that you can print out.  It will help you make your food choices.

Be well,  Betsy

206 933 1889   shopping site   biz op  Get energized

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Help! Now it's hand soap we have to look out for.

Dear Reader,
I feel as though I am always the bearer of bad tidings.  Be forewarned that my task is to educate and remind myself and you that the old adage "buyer beware" is true in all matters.  We do not have a government that meddles or protects us from toxins.  You may think, there isn't much that's harmful in this product.  That may be true.  It is the accumulation that builds up and breaks down your immune system's capacity to heal the frequent hits to the DNA that can become the beginning of cancer.  And then there is the environment to consider.

Here's the article and call to action that just came across my desk.  We do have the power to change the way things are. Just pick up the phone or check the box.

Do not worry, the Shaklee product line of personal care products are safe, work well, smell just find (not heavy scent) and are economical.  You have alternatives.

Meredith Begin, Education & Outreach Organizer for Food & Water Watch, writes "Sometimes I don't wash my hands with soap and water. I just can't bring myself to use a product that causes all sorts of health problems and will exist in our environment forever. What ingredient is so repulsive that I'm willing to walk to find dish soap in the kitchen to use or just forgo the soap all together? Triclosan.

I wonder what it is about Bath & Body Works'"antibacterial" soap that people are so drawn to. It comes in gift baskets and as prizes at baby showers and bachelorette parties, and it's in my friends' bathrooms. While it may come in sweet or fruity scents like "sugar lemon fizz" or "tangelo orange twist" to get the attention of young girls and women, their antibacterial soap contains a toxic chemical called triclosan. I can't help but wonder if the audience that Bath & Body Works targets even knows what triclosan is, and whether the company even cares.

Can you ask Bath & Body Works to discontinue the use of triclosan in their products?
Triclosan poses serious environmental health hazards by disrupting hormones, even lowering sperm counts in animals. After it is washed down the drain, it pollutes our waterways and can transform into dioxins, a class of chemicals some consider to be the most toxic. Bath & Body Works heavily markets their products containing triclosan to girls and young women, leading them to believe that they need antibacterial soaps. But the truth is, antibacterial soaps are no more effective than regular soap and water. In fact, using antibacterial soaps may be worse, even leading to antibiotic resistant bacteria.

We need to ask Bath & Body Works to stop using triclosan. Other major companies, like Colgate Palmolive, have agreed to eliminate triclosan from some of their products. Why can't Bath & Body Works stop using triclosan too?

Send the Bath & Body Works' CEO a message today:

Thanks for taking action,"


206 933 1889  where safe alternatives can be found.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Excellent guide to social media for business owners

I don't know about you, Dear Reader, but I sometimes feel as though I am buried under my facebook, twitter, youtube, linkedin, shutterfly accounts.  Just today I was invited to join a google circle and I put my profile information in where required.  My info--personal and business--is all over the net.  I am hoping to increase my friendships and my business while never stepping on anyone's toes or bruising a delicate friendship.

I am passing along an excellent article that came from Ann Sieg whose postings I follow (occasionally).

In the end we are all trying to be more connected and helpful to the people we get to know with our products and services.  We are helper-people, the type Kim Klaver calls Mother Teresa's.  We just want to help other people have a better life, like the one we've come to love for ourselves.

So learning to use social media can be a tool or a burden.  It's like going to multiple cocktail parties which will definitely wear you out.  I learned a technique to save myself from the awful burn out of one more large event after my first husband died.  A dear friend took me under his arm and said, go with us and we'll make our own little party inside the big one.  Since then when I go to these big events where everyone seems phony and fast and looking over your shoulder to find the next best person to talk to, I just find one or two and see if I can get to know them, beyond the surface, you know, really find out who they are.

Social media is the same.  It's not about how many we have in our friendship list. It's about how well we are getting to know that person.  Read this piece and think about the people you already have in your social network and how to get to know them better.

To your good health and wealth,

Betsy Bell's Health4u   biz site   shopping site   better energy site

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Exciting news about Safe Cosmetics: Read and take action

Dear Reader,
I opened my email this morning to discover that a bill has actually been introduced which will protect us from toxic ingredients in our cosmetics.  I for one, still use cosmetics even though I'm approaching antique age.  I have Shaklee's safe products to put on my face.  Who I worry about is our children and grandchildren whose young bodies are more vulnerable to the damages caused by the cheaper cosmetic products, and even a lot of the high end ones.  The manufacturers use harmful ingredients to stabilize the color so it stays on your face or lasts a long time on your toe nails.  I've had a pedicure and gotten my toe nails done in Europe, Sicily to be exact, and the job didn't last that long.  The same manufacturer of nail polish is held to a higher standard of safety in the European Union than in the United States.  Here, the personal care industry is "Self Regulated" which means they do whatever they can to sell us products they think we will buy.  It is truly a case of buyers beware.  Our children shouldn't have to worry about disrupting their endocrine system when they choose a lip stick from the drug store, or a nail polish they are going to use on themselves and their baby sister.  The reproductive cycles of our children and grandchildren are literally at risk.

Now there is a bill (H.R. 2359) which would give the FDA authority to change this.  Please read the announcement just made by the Washington Toxics Coalition and then take action.

To your Health and Wealth, Be Well and Do Well, Betsy          

Tired of standing around in the shampoo aisle scanning lists of ingredients you can't pronounce? So are we!  That's why we're so excited about the latest news: Congressional leaders have reintroduced the federal Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011 in the House of Representatives.  Hooray!
This bill (H.R. 2359) would give the FDA the authority it needs to ensure that personal care products are free of harmful substances that are linked to cancer, reproductive problems, or learning disabilities, like lead and 1,4 dioxane.
Existing law, which has not been updated in 70 years, allows companies to use these and other toxic chemicals in products we use on our bodies every day. We know that the U.S. can do better to protect our families and to remain a world leader in the marketplace!
Please urge your House member to co-sponsor the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011. Here's how:
1)    Email them using our easy form [] and let us know what they say.
2)    Call them. Enter your zip code into the box on the top right of to find your representative. You can then dial the number for the Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121, and ask for your Representative.  Use the email text (from step one, above) as a guide for your message to the staff person who answers the phone. Calls usually take about 1 minute, but they are really important!
3)    Visit them. You have the right to meet with your Representative (or his or her staffers) to tell them that you want safe cosmetics. If you're interested in scheduling a meeting, contact Anna Dyer to learn more.
Please take action and spread the word!
Thanks for all you do,

Lisa Mikesell
New Media Organizer
Washington Toxics Coalition

Congress is now considering the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011.  Ask your US Representative to sign on as a co-sponsor!

photo courtesy of flicker user littledebbie11

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Are you interested in how your eggs are produced?

Dear Reader,

I have raised back yard chickens for a number of years, both for the delicious eggs they produce and for the companionable nature of hens.  My current flock of 6 is just coming into maturity and one of them, a handsome grey whose breed I'm unsure about, has begun to crow.  I call him Blue Beard although he is gentle with his ladies, unlike his name sake.  If he crows too loudly, too early, he will have to become chicken salad.  Seattle has an ordinance against crowing roosters.

I am a member of the local Seattle Farm Coop, a yahoo groups list serve that gets all of us chicken owners a chance to share information and advice.  The members maintain a warehouse where we can buy organic feed and other necessities for raising healthy chickens.

I have also been critical of the mass industrial production of eggs, chickens for food and hogs and other large scale industrial farming practices.  So it is with a great deal of excitement that I pass on this posting about some new laws that may actually begin to change all that.  Read on if you would like to know what is happening with the Humane society with regard to chickens.  Pretty wonderful.

In good health.  Do well while doing good.
Betsy Bell's Health4U
206 933 1889  biz info   Product info  shopping site

I am excited to announce a historic agreement that The Humane Society of the United States reached this morning with the United Egg Producers, which could result in a complete makeover of the U.S. egg industry and improve the treatment of the 280 million laying hens used each year in U.S. egg production. Thanks to your support over the years, through our state ballot initiatives and legislative and corporate campaigns, we now have a new pathway forward to ban barren battery cages and phase in more humane standards nationwide.
The HSUS and UEP have agreed to work together to advocate for federal legislation that would:
  • Require a moratorium at the end of 2011 on new construction of unenrichable battery cages -- small, cramped, cages that nearly immobilize more than 90 percent of laying hens today -- and the nationwide elimination of barren battery cages through a phase-out period;
  • Require phased in construction of new hen housing systems that provide hens nearly double the amount of space they’re currently provided;
  • Require environmental enrichments so birds can engage in important natural behaviors currently denied to them in barren cages, such as perches, nesting boxes, and scratching areas;
  • Mandate labeling on all egg cartons nationwide to inform consumers of the method used to produce the eggs, such as "eggs from caged hens" or "eggs from cage-free hens";
  • Prohibit forced molting through starvation -- an inhumane practice that is inflicted on tens of millions of hens each year and which involves withholding all food from birds for up to two weeks in order to manipulate the laying cycle;
  • Prohibit excessive ammonia levels in henhouses -- a common problem in the industry that is harmful to both hens and egg industry workers;
  • Require standards for euthanasia of hens; and
  • Prohibit the sale of eggs and egg products nationwide that don’t meet these above requirements.
If enacted, this would be the first federal law relating to chickens used for food, as well as the first federal law relating to the on-farm treatment of any species of farm animal.
Some of the provisions would be implemented nearly immediately after enactment, such as those relating to forced molting, ammonia, and euthanasia, and others after just a few years, including labeling and the requirement that all birds will have to have at least 67 square inches of space each. (Currently, approximately 50 million laying hens are confined to only 48 square inches each.) The bill would require that all egg producers increase space per bird in a tiered phase-in, resulting in a final number, within 15 years for nearly all producers, of at minimum, 124-144 square inches of space each, along with the other improvements noted above.
In order to protect Proposition 2 (a landmark laying hen welfare initiative passed in California in 2008 that many of you worked on), all California egg producers -- with nearly 20 million laying hens -- would be required to eliminate barren battery cages by 2015 (the date Prop 2 goes into effect), and provide all hens with environmental enrichments, such as perches, nesting boxes, and scratching areas. This will also apply to the sale of all eggs and egg products in California. And this agreement to pass comprehensive federal legislation on hen welfare puts a hold on planned ballot measures related to laying hen welfare in both Washington and Oregon.
Passing this federal bill would be a historic improvement for hundreds of millions of animals per year. We are grateful to all of our volunteers, supporters, and others who have helped to make the cage confinement of egg-laying hens a national issue, and we will keep you informed as we make progress on this issue. I hope you will contact your U.S. senators and representative today and urge them to support this federal legislation to end barren battery cage confinement and provide more humane standards for laying hens.
wayne pacelle
Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO
The Humane Society of the United States

Friday, July 1, 2011

Are you trying to purify your water at home?

Dear Reader,

A common dilemma for those of us who know bottled water is
a) 100 to 1000 times more expensive than tap water
b) horrible for the environment. Only 1/3 of the plastic bottles end up recycled.
c) just tap water with a fancy label in many cases

IS how to get better tasting clean water and have it handy all the time without spending too much and damaging the environment.

One acclaimed but very expensive solution is the WATER IONIZER, known as Kangen Water.  A friend asked Shaklee to comment on this technique for improving water.  Please read.

Kangen Water is a water treatment system claiming special health benefits from ionized (alkaline) water.

Ionizer water technology claims health benefits from consuming alkaline water, that alkaline water is an oxygen scavenger, thereby, helping prevent the formation of free radicals in the body. These claims are not supported by the scientific and medical data.

From a technical perspective, ionizer units work poorly or not at all on water with low total dissolved solids (TDS), which has few ions to separate into the alkaline and acid water streams. So if you use municipal water with low TDS (San Francisco, New York City, Portland, and Seattle, to name a few)-often below 40ppm-ionizers may not work as advertised. In low TDS areas an optional cartridge that adds TDS can compensate for this problem. In high or adequate (for the ionizer) TDS areas, depending on the materials used in the construction of the unit, cost of maintenance is driven up because ionizers tend to wear out quickly, requiring replacement of the electrodes.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, water ionizers do not reduce particulates, aesthetic contaminants, or health related contaminants-a filter must be added to achieve these reductions. Prices for these ionizer units start at more than $2,000, runs on electricity (look for higher electric bills), requires replacement parts to maintain the unit, plus the regular addition of "electrolysis enhancer" so the machines runs properly. We believe most people will find that for real life use, such machines will become a thankless headache.

When all is said and done, Get Clean Water, proven to reduce particulate, aesthetic and health related contaminants, is a far better and more practical alternative to water ionizer technology, and at a small fraction of the price.

Hope this helps and have a great 4th!
Keith, Shaklee Scientific Research

Hope this helps you with your quandry.


Betsy Bell's Health4U
206 933 1889

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Your bathroom cupboard is hurting you (and your families) Do something!

Dear Readers,

I am a long time supporter of the Breast Cancer fund because they actually research and call attention to the environmental causes of breast cancer,  and work tirelessly to introduce legislation to change those causes. Please check out the exciting new bill directed at the cosmetics industry.

You can test your products at  Be sure to go to this site and watch Annie Leonard.  And then clean out your bathroom cupboard.

To your good health!

BetsyBell's Health4u
206 933 1889 where you can find Shaklee personal care products with none of these harmful ingredients.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Vitamin D is sexy

Dear Reader,
Here's a study that you'll want to read about the power of Vitamin D and those little swimmers, sperm.

My friend, Dr. Chaney reviews the findings:

A recent study from the University of Copenhagen shows a positive correlation between the percentage of motile sperm and serum vitamin D levels in men (M.B. Jensen et al, Oxford Journal of Human Reproduction, 26: 1307 - 1317, 2011).  (I you want to check out the actual article, click here.)

By way of background, an increasing number of young men are experiencing fertility problems in the industrialized countries.

The cause of this increased infertility isn't known, but studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency causes a decrease in the number and motility of sperm in animals. And the authors of this paper had previously shown the presence of vitamin D receptors in human testes and sperm.

So in this study they examined the sperm and serum 25- hydroxy vitamin D levels in 300 Danish men.

They found a linear correlation between sperm motility and serum vitamin D levels. Put another way, the sperm from men who were vitamin D deficient (serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels < 25 nmoles/liter) were significantly less motile than the sperm from men with high vitamin D levels (> 75 nmoles/liter).

So what does this study mean for you?

This study raises the possibility that vitamin D may be important for male reproductive health.

However, there are many factors besides sperm motility that determine the reproductive fitness of sperm.

And this study did not demonstrate that adding extra vitamin D to the diet would be sufficient by itself to improve sperm motility in men with infertility problems. Previous studies have shown that antioxidants, zinc and various vitamins can also affect sperm quality so a more holistic approach might be required.

The bottom line is that it would probably be premature to suggest taking vitamin D along with your Viagra.

However, for those guys who have been ignoring all of the other health benefits of vitamin D, this study might just get your attention.

To Your Health!
Dr. Stephen G Chaney

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The FDA is keeping a cure for cancer from getting to the public

My daughter just shared this movie with me about a Polish doctor who has found a way to treat cancer without chemo and radiation.  Yet the FDA and the drug companies and our government do nothing to help with this research.  Please watch
Betsy Bell
Be well and Do Well.
206 933 1889

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A car for the Dream Board

Dear Reader,

Do you ever grow weary of working toward your goals and wonder if they will ever come true? I have been working toward the same goals for years and I haven't pulled it off yet. Somehow, as with the economic justice work I do related to Developing Nation debt, the outcome doesn't seem to be as important as the work itself.  In Og Mendino's book, The Greatest Secret in the World, he gives the definition of a failure:  A person who has failed to meet his or her goals whatever they may be. Product DetailsBuy here.

I an not entirely sure that meeting the goal is the main thing.  My business goal has been and continues to be find and develop 3 leaders who build a thriving Shaklee business.  This is a volunteer business.  No one is hired.  I don't pay anyone.  I can teach and train anyone who is willing to follow a proven plan because I have a school to take a recruit through from the very first steps to mastery.  But that person must see the vision and agree to be trained.  As long as I keep prospecting and inviting with passion and persistence, I feel I am successful.

I get a little discouraged from time to time, but amazingly, as with the justice work, the work itself is worth doing whether the goal is reached or not.  We have a team of supportive people and I am growing in self confidence and ability every day.  We have a great time working together and everyone has the same goal with their own personal variations.  It would take a lot to get anyone to quit working.

Driving the Ford Fusion Hybrid car yesterday was one of the ways I stay in close touch with my goals.  On my way to reaching them, affording this car will be a reality. I've driven 4 cars that I earned with my Shaklee business, the most recent is a 2002 Prius which I love and isn't close to wearing out.  But a new car will be in the works in the future.  Shaklee may or may not have a program to reward us Legacy leaders with a bonus car.  No matter.  It's my Shaklee business that will give me the means to own the next one.

Will I have 3 sales leaders under me when I drive away in my new car?  Maybe, maybe not.  I will surely feel successful.  Failure is not a word I recognize in conjunction with my good name!

May it be so for you!
Be well and do well,

Betsy Bell's Health4u
203 933 1889

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A new study suggests a need for more dental checkups after menopause:

This just in from Dr. Weil.  I follow his tweets as he is one of the first medical doctors in the US to recognize the importance of prevention and helped establish the department of Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona.  He loves good western medicine in serious emergencies and cherry picks the best alternative strategies for prevention and even treatment.  This article on tooth health in older women interests me.  I am 73 and doing very well with a visit to my dentist once every 8 months and I've had no bone loss in my teeth nor serious plaque build up.  Could it be that taking "the shelf" of Shaklee supplements and brushing with our natural Dentifrice has made a difference?  Or am I just not in the statistical pool.  How about you?


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Retirement. All this time and not enough money?

Dear Reader,
I've been thinking about the two recent trips with grandsons and the plans I am making to spend part of December on the Mayan Riviera in Mexico.  Friends have said with admiration and a touch of envy, how do I do this?  I don't have a big nest egg.  My husbands (both of them) and I lived beyond our means.  I have a big mortgage which is not what a person should have at age 73.  But I have changed how I manage money since taking Dave Ramsey's course called Financial Peace University.  My first husband worked for 31 years in the higher ed system and put the maximum amount toward retirement so I have a comfortable if not large fixed income.  Every month I put money into a savings account for travel and into another savings account for emergencies and into a third savings account for taxes and irregular bills, car tags, a new roof, repairs.  I set aside 5% for charity.  Then I manage on what is left.  The trips are all paid for up front.  I've been shopping at Goodwill, doing my own yard work, selling stuff I'm not using, checking Craig's list for items I need like a new-to-me Ipod for $40 last week.

And I have this wonderful part time thing going with Shaklee that takes about 15 hours a week and earns me an extra $2000-$3000 a month.

I offer this part time business to anyone who is wanting more adventure and the means to have it.  Perhaps you know someone who has deep desire to play more, to give to their grandchildren, to help with a charity but just can't get the money together.  Let them know about my little part time business.  Better yet, you could take a look at my business website, and after you look at the videos there, someone's name might come to you.  I have space for a couple more people to coach.  They could call to see if they qualify.

Be well and do well,

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Detox finished and Boy, was it successful!

Dear Reader,
For once I actually managed to do the whole 7 day program pretty much as prescribed.  This liver/gallbladder cleanse doesn't leave you starving.  I was able to use 3 servings of Instant Soy Protein Mix each day and eat all the steamed or raw vegetables I wanted, plus gluten free whole grains.  Several key elements included lots of water and organic juice (I chose vegetable juice and pomegranate juice, as apple juice is too sweet for me and increases my appetite).  The 2nd key element is the final day: nothing to eat after lunch which should be eaten by noon.  Then two doses of digestible Epson Salts, one at 5 and the other at 8 and then, believe it or not, 1/4 cup of olive oil to drink at 9:30 at night followed immediately by going to bed.  On day 7, you take another dose of Epsom salt in the morning and then follow the juice, vegetable and fruit intake during the day.  On day 5 and on day 8 I had a colonic, my first ever.

Colonics:  have you ever had one?  I pictured a messy, smelly procedure with urgent rushing from a flat surface to a toilet.  Not so.  A soothing practitioner inserted a tube in the rectum and then began a gentle flushing of water exactly at body temperature.  At the first sense of urgency the flow was reversed along with effective massaging of my belly.  No bad smell.  No mess.  She was able to watch the flow of bile and other material and could see when all was clear.  I was not bloated and gassy the way I have been after a colonoscopy.  In fact, it was a pleasant experience.

While on the table, the practitioner gave me the best description of the digestive system at work that I have ever heard, and I have been to dozens of lectures on health and digestion and read quite a bit.  It must be true that when the student is ready, the teacher appears.  The food you eat must land in an acid environment in the stomach. First you have to chew it enough so it is already a slurry.  In an acid PH stomach, the food is digested and naturally opens the trap door into the small intestine where the soup of nutrients and fiber slowly descends allowing the little silla along the walls take up the nutrients they need. Dr. Shaklee was fond of saying "give the body the nutrients its needs and the cells will self select."  That's just what happens in the perfect digestive process.  Finally in the colon all the liquid is absorbed and the stool remains. When it is soft and full of fiber, it passes normally within 12 - 24 hours from the time the food is eaten.

In the malfunctioning scenario, food in the stomach doesn't find enough acid to break it down. It sits there putrifying, creating gas and discomfort.  Some people experience acid reflux, the putrification rushes upstream to the throat.  Bad news.  The gas build up bursts open the doorway to the upper intestine and undigested food begins to pass through the lengthy digestive tract.  The silla can't take up nutrients because they haven't been broken down into absorbable matter.  You haven't been nourished by your food.  Once in the colon, the putrification continues and the material may sit for 24 to 72 hours or longer, drying out and stuck.  Hence constipation.

I was also told that I needed to eat slowly, take three deep breaths before beginning to eat, drink no water with my meals and sip warm water with a little lemon and sea salt for electrolytes between meals.  They sent me home with 2 types of digestive enzymes to add to my Shaklee EzGest.  Since I have suffered from constipation (before Shaklee), and gas and bloating (even after Shaklee) and have evidence that I don't absorb my nutrients very well.  This was very instructive.  Since the colonic yesterday, I have been following a normal diet reintroducing eggs and fish.  I've taken my digestive enzymes with each meal (right after taking a couple bites).  I have had no gas and feel light and energetic.  I lost 5 pounds this past week as well.

Be well.  Perhaps this cleanse would help you.  If you would like a copy, please let me know and I will send it to you.


Betsy Bell's Health4U
4455 51st Ave. SW
Seattle, WA 98116
206 933 1889
888 283 2077

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Spring Detox

Dear Reader,

The time came for me to cleanse the digestive system. Why?  Low grade sinus trouble.  Aches in the joints.  Put on 5 pounds due to lack of exercise when my left foot developed a serious problem.

I've been following the Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse developed by Dr. Richard Brouse on the Sunnyside Health Clinic in Clakamas, OR.  Dr. Brouse works with people who want a natural approach to better health and he prescribed Shaklee supplements along with his therapies.

It's a 7 days cleanse and I have copied the whole program below.  I love that I get to eat all the vegetables I want, use Shaklee's Instant Protein Drink Mix (no carbs) and drink lots of water and organic juice.  So I'm not hungry or light headed.  It's possible to continue with your life on this cleanse.  If you need to eat in a restaurant, just get sides of vegetables and salad with no dressing and take your protein shake before you go.

I'm on day 4 and I've already lost the 5 pounds I gained when inactive for a couple of weeks.  I'll have my first colonic ever tomorrow at Seattle's Tummy Temple.  Now that will be an experience.

If you want to experience a really clean digestive system and have no severe health issues that would require someone like Dr. Brouse to provide advice, I would be glad to guide you through this one.  This is my 2nd round (the last one was a year ago in the fall) so I know the benefit first hand.  Fall and Spring when you are well are the best times to do a cleanse.

Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse Outlined
Shopping List:
Epsom Salt Shaklee Alfalfa
Fresh fruits and vegetables Shaklee Fiber Plan
Grapefruit juice Shaklee Herb Lax
Herbal tea-optional Shaklee Instant Soy Mix
Organic apple juice Shaklee Liver DTX
Organic olive oil Shaklee Optiflora Probiotic and Prebiotic
Organic raw nuts, seeds and whole grains
Organic apple juice may be substituted with vegetable juice
Shaklee Instant Soy may be substituted with Shaklee Whey Cinch
Days 1 – 5:
Eat fruits, vegetables, raw nuts and seeds and whole grains. Snacks between meals
as needed.
Daily, drink four 8 oz. glasses of apple juice and at least eight 8 oz. glasses of pure
water. Preferably, drink these at room temperature and between meals.
Discontinue any medications that are not absolutely necessary.
Colonics or Enemas
Any milk products
Animal and fish products
Fried foods, high-fat foods
Sugar products
Caffeinated drinks
Day 6:
Eat breakfast and lunch before noon.
Drink only water until 4 PM. You may have a snack no later than 2 PM, if needed.
Discontinue everything else.
At 5 PM, drink 2 tsps Epson Salt in ¼ cup water
At 8 PM, drink 2 tsps Epson Salt in ¼ cup water
At 9:30 PM, drink ½ cup Olive Oil
Go to bed immediately after Olive Oil, lie on your right side with your knee pulled
close to your chest for 30 minutes.
Day 7:
One hour before breakfast drink 2 tsps Epson Salt with ¼ cup water
You may continue this diet for the rest of the day, supplements included
Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse
The liver and gallbladder cleanse has been around for a long time. There are several
variations that can be found, many of them highlighting special products. Dr. Brouse has
recommended the following cleanse for many of his patients since 1977. We have
continued to hear successes that have drastically changed patients’ blood results,
allowed others to forego gallbladder surgery, and produced better general health. Their
comments have encouraged Dr. Brouse to make a few minor changes and be more
specific in the directions. For some patients with specific health challenges, the cleanse
will need to be customized for their specific needs. Conclusively, this specific
liver/gallbladder cleanse has proven to be very successful and is the one of choice.
The Liver
The liver is our internal cleaning and maintenance system that filters toxins, bacteria
and antigen/antibody complexes from the blood that are absorbed from the intestines. It
also detoxifies pollutants, hormones, toxic substances produced by fungi, histamines,
and ammonia in the blood. The American lifestyle causes the function of the liver to
slow down causing accumulated toxins. Fat deposits in the liver cause excess cholesterol
to enter the bile making it thick and clumpy, forming stones in the liver. When our liver
is overworked and toxins accumulate, symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, muscle
aches, constipation and bowel disturbances, digestive disturbances, allergies or
neurological dysfunctions may occur.
The Gallbladder
The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ underneath the liver that stores bile made
by the liver. Bile aids in digestion by emulsifying fat for further digestion and absorption
in the small intestines. Gallstones are a common problem usually caused from a highanimal
fat diet. Research has discovered that heredity can also contribute to gallstone
formation. The most common type of gallstone is made up of crystallized cholesterol
combined with bile salts. Gallstones may not cause any symptoms or may cause severe
pain centered on the right side of the abdomen. This cleanse not only gives these
organs a time out, but also detoxifies the liver and allows any gallstones to be easily
Who and When
This cleanse is recommended for people over 25-years-old, who are not pregnant or
nursing. If you have large gallstones, seek advice from your natural doctor about this
cleanse. When health symptoms indicate a congested liver or gallbladder, the cleanse
can be followed any time. The best results come with repetition. It should be repeated
every three to four weeks until two consecutive cleanses do not produce any gallstones.
When repeated within up to four weeks, the first part of the cleanse can be done in
three days, making the cleanse a five day process. A maintenance program can then be
followed with the cleanse twice a year. The best time for these cleanses are in the
spring and fall when these seasonal changes encourage our bodies to detoxify.
Instructions for the cleanse:
Choose seven consecutive days that are stress-free, and the last two days can
be spent at home.
If you are currently exercising on a regular basis at least 30 minutes, three times a
week, continue. Morning, before breakfast, is the best time to exercise for most people.
If you are not currently exercising, and are physically able, walk briskly 20 minutes
every day for the first 6 days of this cleanse.
Avoid taking any medications that are not absolutely necessary. They interfere with the
liver’s cleansing efforts.
Cleansing the Colon is Advised:
Cleansing the colon before, during, and after the cleanse is highly recommended. This
process increases the over-all detoxification process, encourages a more thorough
liver/gallbladder cleanse, and allows the stones easier passage through the colon.
Potential headaches and nausea will be eliminated or minimized when the colonics are
implemented with the cleanse.
The following is a list of methods to cleanse the colon:
1. Colon Hydrotherapy at a health-care facility; There are two basic types of
colonic procedures that can be found at a health clinic. The gravity-fed colonic
machine is an open system where the patient has control of the flow and
elimination of the water. This system is highly recommended. The closed system
includes a small tube (which carries water) inside a larger tube (which removes
the waste material) inserted into the rectum. A therapist controls the water flow
and pressure.
2. Home Colonic: This method is a great choice when a colonic from a therapist is
not available. A colonic board can be obtained that will allow you to perform a
colonic in the privacy of your home and at a time that is convenient for you.
Colema Boards of California sells a plastic formed board that is comfortable, easy
to clean and store. With this board, colonics can be taken throughout the year
for on-going cleansing.
3. An Enema: When a colonic is not available, a series of enemas are
recommended during the cleanse.
The first five days:
The first five days of this cleanse begins the detoxification process and prepares the
body to eliminate gallstones and “sludge” from the liver and gallbladder. The cleanse
diet is vegetarian to alkalize the body’s chemistry, which creates higher quality and
thinner bile.
Eat/ Drink:
􀂃 Drink and eat most foods and liquids at room temperature or warmer. This will
contribute in keeping the bile thinned.
􀂃 This diet is largely fruits and vegetables, preferably organic and many eaten raw.
(This is a great time to use your juicer – drink several glasses of fresh vegetable
juice each day.) They can also be eaten steamed, stir fried, baked, or made into a
soup. Dried beans can be included in your daily diet. Most fruits and vegetables
promote detoxification, but the following list are high in glutathione and some in
sulfur, which help the liver and gallbladder detoxify and thin the bile: beets,
radishes, carrots, garlic, onion, artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussel
sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, romaine lettuce, avocado, watermelon, papaya,
rhubarb, kiwi, plums, pears, apples, cherries, figs, grapefruit, lemons and limes. If
these are difficult to obtain, look for frozen organic fruits and vegetables. The above
mentioned vegetables, when made into a soup with turmeric and oregano,
contribute to cleansing the liver and gallbladder.
􀂃 Drink, daily and between meals, four 8-ounce glasses of roomtemperature
apple cider or juice, preferably organic, Another option, instead
of the cider, is to mix one teaspoon of Shaklee Fiber Plan in a glass of vegetable
juice, preferably freshly juiced. Also, two fresh organic apples or cranberry juice
without sugar can replace one serving of juice each day. People with hypoglycemia,
diabetes, candida, cancer or stomach ulcers should replace the apple juice with the
vegetable juice.
􀂃 Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of room-temperature pure water each
day, preferably between meals. Herbal tea can be substituted for water. Shaklee
Performance can be used in moderation.
􀂃 Raw organic nuts and seeds can be eaten in moderation. Most contain arginine,
which helps the liver detoxify ammonia. They also contain glutathione and omega-3
fatty acids which support normal liver detoxification.
􀂃 Shaklee Instant Soy Mix can be mixed into a drink three times a day. If soy is an
allergy, use the Shaklee whey Cinch.
􀂃 Whole grains such as rice, barley and oats can be eaten when simply cooked in
water. Whole grain, high fiber breads can be eaten in moderation.
􀂃 Stevia and small amounts of honey or maple syrup can be used.
􀂃 Organic olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil can be used in salad dressings
and stir-fries because, as fruit oils, they do not contribute to toxicity.
􀂃 Eat until comfortably full; do not over-eat or under-eat.
􀂃 Snack between meals as needed; this is a perfect time to drink a protein
smoothie, have a piece of fruit, or eat a handful of raw nuts or seeds.
􀂃 Any milk products - (mucous formers)
􀂃 Animal and fish products; including eggs, red meats, poultry - (create toxic
residues in the liver and decrease the solubility of bile).
􀂃 Fried foods, high-fat foods and fats.
􀂃 Sugar products and sugar substitutes.
􀂃 Caffeinated coffee and teas, and sodas. (Note: If caffeine has been a daily
consumption, gradually decrease the amount taken each day to avoid headache
Continue your regular food supplement program. If your current program does not
include the following list of supplements, add them to your daily list to be taken
throughout the day with your meals. They are very important to cleanse and prepare
the elimination system to excrete liver sludge and gallstones:
1 to 4 Herb Lax
10 to 40 Alfalfa
1 to 4 Liver DTX
3 to 7 grams Shaklee Fiber Plan
1 to 2 Optiflora Probiotic capsules and Prebiotic powder
3 servings of Instant Protein Soy Mix or whey Cinch
The Importance of These Supplements:
Herb Lax: The amount will vary for every individual. Take enough Herb Lax throughout
the day to be just above the effect of diarrhea. This combination of herbs and soluble
fibers is a natural gastro-intestinal purgative that will help with bowel cleansing by
removing accumulation of metabolic wastes.
􀂃 Buckthorn bark reduces irritation caused by an inflamed gallbladder, and detoxifies
the liver.
􀂃 Fennel seed powder reduces irritation to the mucous membranes of the
gastrointestinal tract and increases bile production in the liver.
􀂃 Rhubarb root thins the bile in the gallbladder and promotes liver cleansing.
􀂃 Culver’s root detoxifies the liver and increases bile flow from the gallbladder.
Alfalfa: Take a small handful of Alfalfa tablets with each meal. The high level of
chlorophyll in alfalfa promotes an alkaline state in the blood, deodorizes the body,
reduces the effects of inflammatory endorphins, helps normalize blood lipids, detoxifies
the liver by stimulating bile flow, and increases the kidneys’ filtration rate.
Liver DTX: This combination of herbs and extracts should be taken during this cleanse
and in your regular daily nutrient regime. Its benefits give antioxidant and bile-flow
enhancing properties that protect and stimulate the body’s normal ability to maintain
healthy liver cells.
􀂃 Milk Thistle extract helps make the proteins that contribute in the regeneration of
liver cells and stimulates the liver to produce additional bile for improved digestive
􀂃 A blend of Schizandra and Reishi mushroom extracts have antioxidant properties
that protects and detoxifies the liver.
􀂃 Dandelion extracts, turmeric and artichoke improve and maintain normal bile flow,
􀂃 stimulate a sluggish gallbladder, promote blood purity, and remove excess water to
improve overall liver function.
Fiber: The Shaklee fiber is a combination of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble
fiber possesses passive, water-attracting properties that help to increase bulk, soften
stool and shorten transit time through the intestinal tract. With the cleanse, this is very
important to move toxins through the body as quickly as possible so they do not
reabsorb into the bloodstream. The soluble fiber undergoes active metabolic processing,
supporting the friendly bacteria in the intestine.
Optiflora Prebiotic Powder and Probiotic Capsule: The powder contains FOS and
inulin that feeds the ‘friendly “bacteria in the capsule. The Optiflora system is needed
during this cleanse to ensure a healthy environment for the extra elimination through
the colon.
Instant Protein Soy Mix: This vegetable based protein contains minimal amounts of
fat and cholesterol, provides all the essential amino acids, high levels of calcium,
antioxidants and better lipid metabolism control. It is a high-quality, easy to digest
protein that can replace animal proteins. All of these factors make it the best choice for
a healthy liver and gallbladder.
The 6th day:
Eat your normal vegetarian breakfast and lunch (at noon). Drink water until 4 PM.
A snack can be eaten no later than 2PM. Then discontinue taking food supplements and
eating any food because it may inhibit the stones from flushing out.
At 5PM - dissolve 2 teaspoons (if you are 150lbs. or under) or 3 teaspoons (if you are
over 150 lbs.) of Epson Salt in ¼ cup of warm water and drink it. Follow it with a choice
of ¼ cup of water mixed with ¼ cup of fresh lemon or lime juice or 1/2 cup undiluted
grapefruit juice.
At 6:30 - If you are too hungry to go without food until the morning, eat a raw apple or
At 8PM - repeat the above instructions of the Epsom Salt Drink.
At 9:30PM - drink ½ cup olive oil (if you are 150 lbs. or under) or 2/3 cup olive oil (if
you are over 150 lbs.). Follow it with a choice of ¼ cup of water mixed with ¼ cup of
fresh lemon or lime juice or 1/2 cup undiluted grapefruit juice. Go to bed immediately.
Lie on your right side with your right knee pulled close to your chest for at least 30
minutes. Note: Some people have reported slight to moderate nausea after taking the
olive oil. The nausea should diminish and disappear by the time you go to sleep. If the
olive oil induces vomiting, do not take any more olive oil. Go to sleep and finish the
cleanse the next day.
The 7th day:
Throughout this day, stay close to a bathroom because you may experience diarrheatype
elimination that may have gallstones. (A colonic this day will make elimination
easier and more complete.)
One hour before breakfast, repeat the above instructions of the Epsom Salt Drink.
The rest of the day, eat your vegetarian breakfast, lunch and dinner with supplements
Congratulations! You have just completed the Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse.
Your regular diet can be resumed on the 8th day.
Repeat the cleanse It is advised to repeat this cleanse in the next two to four weeks
to continue the detoxifying action of the liver and gallbladder, especially when there are
more gallstones suspected. The repeated cleanses can be done in 3 to 4 days, with the
last day including the Epsom salt and olive oil.
Keep the Liver and Gallbladder Healthy:
Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, preferably organic and fresh. The vegetables listed in
the “EAT:” section and raw seeds and nuts contain phytochemicals that help thin the
􀂃 Legumes should be included in your menu every day. The antioxidants and fiber
keeps these organs running smoothly.
􀂃 Consume less animal products, especially red meat. “Clean” fish is a good source of
protein that promotes liver health. Soy protein, taken daily, reduces the saturation of
cholesterol in the bile, thus reducing the potential for stones.
􀂃 Use olive oil regularly, because it thins the bile.
􀂃 Drink at least 8 glasses of pure water every day.
􀂃 Continue to take Liver DTX, Alfalfa, Optiflora, and fiber on a daily basis.
􀂃 Do not skip meals. Better yet, eat several small meals throughout the day. Avoid
overeating. Lose excess weight slowly, because quick weight loss can cause
􀂃 Take the least amount of medication as possible. Avoid environmental chemicals,
and food additives. These choices will ease the toxins that pass through the liver.
􀂃 Avoid fatty or fried foods. Low fiber foods, such as white flour products, encourage
congestion. Limit the consumption of sugar products.
􀂃 Coffee and carbonated beverages should be eliminated or used only occasionally.

Be Well, 

BetsyBell's Health4u
4455 51 st Ave. SW
SEattle, WA 98116
206 933 1889