Dear Reader,
For once I actually managed to do the whole 7 day program pretty much as prescribed. This liver/gallbladder cleanse doesn't leave you starving. I was able to use 3 servings of Instant Soy Protein Mix each day and eat all the steamed or raw vegetables I wanted, plus gluten free whole grains. Several key elements included lots of water and organic juice (I chose vegetable juice and pomegranate juice, as apple juice is too sweet for me and increases my appetite). The 2nd key element is the final day: nothing to eat after lunch which should be eaten by noon. Then two doses of digestible Epson Salts, one at 5 and the other at 8 and then, believe it or not, 1/4 cup of olive oil to drink at 9:30 at night followed immediately by going to bed. On day 7, you take another dose of Epsom salt in the morning and then follow the juice, vegetable and fruit intake during the day. On day 5 and on day 8 I had a colonic, my first ever.
Colonics: have you ever had one? I pictured a messy, smelly procedure with urgent rushing from a flat surface to a toilet. Not so. A soothing practitioner inserted a tube in the rectum and then began a gentle flushing of water exactly at body temperature. At the first sense of urgency the flow was reversed along with effective massaging of my belly. No bad smell. No mess. She was able to watch the flow of bile and other material and could see when all was clear. I was not bloated and gassy the way I have been after a colonoscopy. In fact, it was a pleasant experience.
While on the table, the practitioner gave me the best description of the digestive system at work that I have ever heard, and I have been to dozens of lectures on health and digestion and read quite a bit. It must be true that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. The food you eat must land in an acid environment in the stomach. First you have to chew it enough so it is already a slurry. In an acid PH stomach, the food is digested and naturally opens the trap door into the small intestine where the soup of nutrients and fiber slowly descends allowing the little silla along the walls take up the nutrients they need. Dr. Shaklee was fond of saying "give the body the nutrients its needs and the cells will self select." That's just what happens in the perfect digestive process. Finally in the colon all the liquid is absorbed and the stool remains. When it is soft and full of fiber, it passes normally within 12 - 24 hours from the time the food is eaten.
In the malfunctioning scenario, food in the stomach doesn't find enough acid to break it down. It sits there putrifying, creating gas and discomfort. Some people experience acid reflux, the putrification rushes upstream to the throat. Bad news. The gas build up bursts open the doorway to the upper intestine and undigested food begins to pass through the lengthy digestive tract. The silla can't take up nutrients because they haven't been broken down into absorbable matter. You haven't been nourished by your food. Once in the colon, the putrification continues and the material may sit for 24 to 72 hours or longer, drying out and stuck. Hence constipation.
I was also told that I needed to eat slowly, take three deep breaths before beginning to eat, drink no water with my meals and sip warm water with a little lemon and sea salt for electrolytes between meals. They sent me home with 2 types of digestive enzymes to add to my Shaklee EzGest. Since I have suffered from constipation (before Shaklee), and gas and bloating (even after Shaklee) and have evidence that I don't absorb my nutrients very well. This was very instructive. Since the colonic yesterday, I have been following a normal diet reintroducing eggs and fish. I've taken my digestive enzymes with each meal (right after taking a couple bites). I have had no gas and feel light and energetic. I lost 5 pounds this past week as well.
Be well. Perhaps this cleanse would help you. If you would like a copy, please let me know and I will send it to you.
Betsy Bell's Health4U
4455 51st Ave. SW
Seattle, WA 98116
206 933 1889
888 283 2077
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