Dear Reader,
I've been thinking about the two recent trips with grandsons and the plans I am making to spend part of December on the Mayan Riviera in Mexico. Friends have said with admiration and a touch of envy, how do I do this? I don't have a big nest egg. My husbands (both of them) and I lived beyond our means. I have a big mortgage which is not what a person should have at age 73. But I have changed how I manage money since taking Dave Ramsey's course called Financial Peace University. My first husband worked for 31 years in the higher ed system and put the maximum amount toward retirement so I have a comfortable if not large fixed income. Every month I put money into a savings account for travel and into another savings account for emergencies and into a third savings account for taxes and irregular bills, car tags, a new roof, repairs. I set aside 5% for charity. Then I manage on what is left. The trips are all paid for up front. I've been shopping at Goodwill, doing my own yard work, selling stuff I'm not using, checking Craig's list for items I need like a new-to-me Ipod for $40 last week.
And I have this wonderful part time thing going with Shaklee that takes about 15 hours a week and earns me an extra $2000-$3000 a month.
I offer this part time business to anyone who is wanting more adventure and the means to have it. Perhaps you know someone who has deep desire to play more, to give to their grandchildren, to help with a charity but just can't get the money together. Let them know about my little part time business. Better yet, you could take a look at my business website, and after you look at the videos there, someone's name might come to you. I have space for a couple more people to coach. They could call to see if they qualify.
Be well and do well,
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