Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Your bathroom cupboard is hurting you (and your families) Do something!

Dear Readers,

I am a long time supporter of the Breast Cancer fund because they actually research and call attention to the environmental causes of breast cancer,  and work tirelessly to introduce legislation to change those causes. Please check out the exciting new bill directed at the cosmetics industry.  http://prevention.breastcancerfund.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=2307.0&dlv_id=6101.

You can test your products at www.safecosmetics.org.  Be sure to go to this site and watch Annie Leonard.  And then clean out your bathroom cupboard.

To your good health!

BetsyBell's Health4u
206 933 1889
http://hihohealth.com where you can find Shaklee personal care products with none of these harmful ingredients.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Vitamin D is sexy

Dear Reader,
Here's a study that you'll want to read about the power of Vitamin D and those little swimmers, sperm.

My friend, Dr. Chaney reviews the findings:

A recent study from the University of Copenhagen shows a positive correlation between the percentage of motile sperm and serum vitamin D levels in men (M.B. Jensen et al, Oxford Journal of Human Reproduction, 26: 1307 - 1317, 2011).  (I you want to check out the actual article, click here.)

By way of background, an increasing number of young men are experiencing fertility problems in the industrialized countries.

The cause of this increased infertility isn't known, but studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency causes a decrease in the number and motility of sperm in animals. And the authors of this paper had previously shown the presence of vitamin D receptors in human testes and sperm.

So in this study they examined the sperm and serum 25- hydroxy vitamin D levels in 300 Danish men.

They found a linear correlation between sperm motility and serum vitamin D levels. Put another way, the sperm from men who were vitamin D deficient (serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels < 25 nmoles/liter) were significantly less motile than the sperm from men with high vitamin D levels (> 75 nmoles/liter).

So what does this study mean for you?

This study raises the possibility that vitamin D may be important for male reproductive health.

However, there are many factors besides sperm motility that determine the reproductive fitness of sperm.

And this study did not demonstrate that adding extra vitamin D to the diet would be sufficient by itself to improve sperm motility in men with infertility problems. Previous studies have shown that antioxidants, zinc and various vitamins can also affect sperm quality so a more holistic approach might be required.

The bottom line is that it would probably be premature to suggest taking vitamin D along with your Viagra.

However, for those guys who have been ignoring all of the other health benefits of vitamin D, this study might just get your attention.

To Your Health!
Dr. Stephen G Chaney

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The FDA is keeping a cure for cancer from getting to the public

My daughter just shared this movie with me about a Polish doctor who has found a way to treat cancer without chemo and radiation.  Yet the FDA and the drug companies and our government do nothing to help with this research.  Please watch http://vimeo.com/24821365
Betsy Bell
Be well and Do Well.
206 933 1889

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A car for the Dream Board

Dear Reader,

Do you ever grow weary of working toward your goals and wonder if they will ever come true? I have been working toward the same goals for years and I haven't pulled it off yet. Somehow, as with the economic justice work I do related to Developing Nation debt, the outcome doesn't seem to be as important as the work itself.  In Og Mendino's book, The Greatest Secret in the World, he gives the definition of a failure:  A person who has failed to meet his or her goals whatever they may be. Product DetailsBuy here.

I an not entirely sure that meeting the goal is the main thing.  My business goal has been and continues to be find and develop 3 leaders who build a thriving Shaklee business.  This is a volunteer business.  No one is hired.  I don't pay anyone.  I can teach and train anyone who is willing to follow a proven plan because I have a school to take a recruit through from the very first steps to mastery.  But that person must see the vision and agree to be trained.  As long as I keep prospecting and inviting with passion and persistence, I feel I am successful.

I get a little discouraged from time to time, but amazingly, as with the justice work, the work itself is worth doing whether the goal is reached or not.  We have a team of supportive people and I am growing in self confidence and ability every day.  We have a great time working together and everyone has the same goal with their own personal variations.  It would take a lot to get anyone to quit working.

Driving the Ford Fusion Hybrid car yesterday was one of the ways I stay in close touch with my goals.  On my way to reaching them, affording this car will be a reality. I've driven 4 cars that I earned with my Shaklee business, the most recent is a 2002 Prius which I love and isn't close to wearing out.  But a new car will be in the works in the future.  Shaklee may or may not have a program to reward us Legacy leaders with a bonus car.  No matter.  It's my Shaklee business that will give me the means to own the next one.

Will I have 3 sales leaders under me when I drive away in my new car?  Maybe, maybe not.  I will surely feel successful.  Failure is not a word I recognize in conjunction with my good name!

May it be so for you!
Be well and do well,

Betsy Bell's Health4u
203 933 1889

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A new study suggests a need for more dental checkups after menopause:

This just in from Dr. Weil. http://www.drweilblog.com/home/2011/6/5/more-dental-checkups-after-menopause.html  I follow his tweets as he is one of the first medical doctors in the US to recognize the importance of prevention and helped establish the department of Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona.  He loves good western medicine in serious emergencies and cherry picks the best alternative strategies for prevention and even treatment.  This article on tooth health in older women interests me.  I am 73 and doing very well with a visit to my dentist once every 8 months and I've had no bone loss in my teeth nor serious plaque build up.  Could it be that taking "the shelf" of Shaklee supplements and brushing with our natural Dentifrice has made a difference?  Or am I just not in the statistical pool.  How about you?


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Retirement. All this time and not enough money?

Dear Reader,
I've been thinking about the two recent trips with grandsons and the plans I am making to spend part of December on the Mayan Riviera in Mexico.  Friends have said with admiration and a touch of envy, how do I do this?  I don't have a big nest egg.  My husbands (both of them) and I lived beyond our means.  I have a big mortgage which is not what a person should have at age 73.  But I have changed how I manage money since taking Dave Ramsey's course called Financial Peace University.  My first husband worked for 31 years in the higher ed system and put the maximum amount toward retirement so I have a comfortable if not large fixed income.  Every month I put money into a savings account for travel and into another savings account for emergencies and into a third savings account for taxes and irregular bills, car tags, a new roof, repairs.  I set aside 5% for charity.  Then I manage on what is left.  The trips are all paid for up front.  I've been shopping at Goodwill, doing my own yard work, selling stuff I'm not using, checking Craig's list for items I need like a new-to-me Ipod for $40 last week.

And I have this wonderful part time thing going with Shaklee that takes about 15 hours a week and earns me an extra $2000-$3000 a month.

I offer this part time business to anyone who is wanting more adventure and the means to have it.  Perhaps you know someone who has deep desire to play more, to give to their grandchildren, to help with a charity but just can't get the money together.  Let them know about my little part time business.  Better yet, you could take a look at my business website, http://HiHoWealth.com and after you look at the videos there, someone's name might come to you.  I have space for a couple more people to coach.  They could call to see if they qualify.

Be well and do well,