Friday, July 22, 2011

Excellent guide to social media for business owners

I don't know about you, Dear Reader, but I sometimes feel as though I am buried under my facebook, twitter, youtube, linkedin, shutterfly accounts.  Just today I was invited to join a google circle and I put my profile information in where required.  My info--personal and business--is all over the net.  I am hoping to increase my friendships and my business while never stepping on anyone's toes or bruising a delicate friendship.

I am passing along an excellent article that came from Ann Sieg whose postings I follow (occasionally).

In the end we are all trying to be more connected and helpful to the people we get to know with our products and services.  We are helper-people, the type Kim Klaver calls Mother Teresa's.  We just want to help other people have a better life, like the one we've come to love for ourselves.

So learning to use social media can be a tool or a burden.  It's like going to multiple cocktail parties which will definitely wear you out.  I learned a technique to save myself from the awful burn out of one more large event after my first husband died.  A dear friend took me under his arm and said, go with us and we'll make our own little party inside the big one.  Since then when I go to these big events where everyone seems phony and fast and looking over your shoulder to find the next best person to talk to, I just find one or two and see if I can get to know them, beyond the surface, you know, really find out who they are.

Social media is the same.  It's not about how many we have in our friendship list. It's about how well we are getting to know that person.  Read this piece and think about the people you already have in your social network and how to get to know them better.

To your good health and wealth,

Betsy Bell's Health4u   biz site   shopping site   better energy site

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