Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Exciting news about Safe Cosmetics: Read and take action

Dear Reader,
I opened my email this morning to discover that a bill has actually been introduced which will protect us from toxic ingredients in our cosmetics.  I for one, still use cosmetics even though I'm approaching antique age.  I have Shaklee's safe products to put on my face.  Who I worry about is our children and grandchildren whose young bodies are more vulnerable to the damages caused by the cheaper cosmetic products, and even a lot of the high end ones.  The manufacturers use harmful ingredients to stabilize the color so it stays on your face or lasts a long time on your toe nails.  I've had a pedicure and gotten my toe nails done in Europe, Sicily to be exact, and the job didn't last that long.  The same manufacturer of nail polish is held to a higher standard of safety in the European Union than in the United States.  Here, the personal care industry is "Self Regulated" which means they do whatever they can to sell us products they think we will buy.  It is truly a case of buyers beware.  Our children shouldn't have to worry about disrupting their endocrine system when they choose a lip stick from the drug store, or a nail polish they are going to use on themselves and their baby sister.  The reproductive cycles of our children and grandchildren are literally at risk.

Now there is a bill (H.R. 2359) which would give the FDA authority to change this.  Please read the announcement just made by the Washington Toxics Coalition and then take action.

To your Health and Wealth, Be Well and Do Well, Betsy          

Tired of standing around in the shampoo aisle scanning lists of ingredients you can't pronounce? So are we!  That's why we're so excited about the latest news: Congressional leaders have reintroduced the federal Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011 in the House of Representatives.  Hooray!
This bill (H.R. 2359) would give the FDA the authority it needs to ensure that personal care products are free of harmful substances that are linked to cancer, reproductive problems, or learning disabilities, like lead and 1,4 dioxane.
Existing law, which has not been updated in 70 years, allows companies to use these and other toxic chemicals in products we use on our bodies every day. We know that the U.S. can do better to protect our families and to remain a world leader in the marketplace!
Please urge your House member to co-sponsor the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011. Here's how:
1)    Email them using our easy form [http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/5121/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=7658] and let us know what they say.
2)    Call them. Enter your zip code into the box on the top right ofhttp://www.house.gov/ to find your representative. You can then dial the number for the Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121, and ask for your Representative.  Use the email text (from step one, above) as a guide for your message to the staff person who answers the phone. Calls usually take about 1 minute, but they are really important!
3)    Visit them. You have the right to meet with your Representative (or his or her staffers) to tell them that you want safe cosmetics. If you're interested in scheduling a meeting, contact Anna Dyer atadyer@watoxics.org to learn more.
Please take action and spread the word!
Thanks for all you do,

Lisa Mikesell
New Media Organizer
Washington Toxics Coalition

Congress is now considering the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011.  Ask your US Representative to sign on as a co-sponsor!

photo courtesy of flicker user littledebbie11

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